Wednesday 9 August 2023

The Northern Horse

A catch-all name for the Royalist horse regiments recruited in Northumberland, Durham and Yorkshire as part of the Marquis of Newcastle's army. The Northern horse had a reputation as hard fighters but poor discipline. So I just had to add a couple more troops to the Kings cause. First up is the last of the Warlord Games Plastic cavalry. Seemed to paint up a little better this time.

The next unit is from Steel fist miniatures. They are a good match size wise with the Warlord cavalry, but boy are they superior sculpts. can't wait for the next two regiments to arrive in the post. I'm awaiting some flags that I can subsequently add to the unit. I also like the lack of breastplates and a reliance on buff coats. Obviously supply issues in the Royalist army.

L to R - Warlord, Steel fist

As I have a couple of spare figures left over I've done a small order to Peter Pig to see how they match size wise, including some better looking officers. I'll be able to mix these with Warlord and Steel fist in a 6th regiment.


  1. Look like a interesting unit.

  2. Steel Fist do look more robust. Warlord remind me a bit of Freikorps 15s single cavalry castings.

    1. Definitely better figures a worth the extra cost over the Warlord plastics

  3. Lovely work. The Steel Fist ones do look better.

  4. Some nice additions there Scotty but the metal figures are definitely better!

    1. Cheers Keith, most definitely, can't wait for the new additions to arrive
