Saturday 5 August 2023

Royalist horse

So the project sees another completed unit. This time a regiment of Royalist horse, they still need to be named. These are all plastic figures from the Warlord epic sprue. The figures are nowhere near as good as the infantry models. The only benefit I see is you also get commanders, artillery and commanded shotte. The horse seem to suffer from being 1 piece castings as some of the detail is lost. They were not a pleasure to paint and thankfully only a few more to do. They will though still look OK from 3 foot on the gaming table.

I also added one of the smaller artillery pieces and a Brigadier, he suffers the same issue as the rest of the horse.

My horse figures from Steel fist miniatures have arrived and they are full of detail and a good match for the epic figures. Looking forward to getting them on the painting table.


  1. They look okay to me Neil. Though maybe closer inspection is required. The horse doesn't have the same mass or sense of weight of numbers as the foot. Is this due to not many being painted or is this classed as a regiment?

    1. They definitely don't have the wait of numbers. The set has 15 figures across 3 bases. I've gone for 2 base regiments with more depth on the base for the victory without quarter rules

  2. Good progress, Neil! The foot look better to my eye than the horse as well. On the table, these differences will meld into one Grand Spectacle.

    1. I'm hoping they look ok from 3ft on the table, they do not look good up close, hence switching to Steelfist for extra cavalry

  3. Shame you did not like them Scotty but I guess that's why you only bought a couple of sprues to test them out! I have seen Steelfist somewhere and they do look to be excellent little figures, so you should have no issues with them!

    1. The only benefit of the sprues is the 2 artillery pieces, dismounted dragoons and the commanded shotte. Thankfully my Steelfist figures have arrived and they are perfect
