Thursday 31 August 2023

Finished hedges and first Parlaimentarians

So I finally completed the first 4ft of hedges of the multitude I'll need.  It was not though without its issues. After sticking strips of coir mat onto modelling sticks, I used PVA glue to give them a good covering of flock. I had left these to dry over night as I sourced a spray adhesive to seal the flock. This was when disaster struck as I unknowingly bought the wrong adhesive. I gave all 4ft a good spraying, the first concern was that it was white and not clear, hoping it would dry clear. Let's just say it didn't. It also seemed to cover the pieces in what could only be described as a spider web. Lets say I turned the air blue at this point as I quickly tried to remove as much of the 'web' as I could.

So on to day 2, I decided to give them all a spray of a chocolate brown to hide the glue, this seemed to work.

The flock added

Now sprayed chocolate brown

Day 3 - I picked up a tub of artist mid-green acylic paint, this I then wet brushed across each of the hedges, then added a little German yellow and gave them a second lighter coat. This seems to have done the trick. I then added sand to the bases before sealing with varnish, then highlighting with Iraqi sand and adding areas of static grass. Drying time today was much reduced as I had the benefit of some glorious sunshine in the garden.

Sand added and sealed

Finished hedges

Finished hedges

Quite happy with the final result. They are quite large for 15mm, but will be ideal for lining the ditch at Marston Moor. Tomorrow I'll get the last 2 pieces and broken ground done.

After the hedges were done I completed a regiment of Dragoons for the Parlaimentarians. They are just the plastic figures from the cavalry sprue. I will need a second regiment, for which I have the mounted troopers as I will mix in 3 from Alternative armies for variety Unfortunately their dismounted troopers tower over the Warlord figures, so I've sent off for some alternatives from Peter Pig.

I should also be able to getthe last of the Royalist cavalry for Newcastle done over the next couple of weeks as I pick up approx 60 of the Warlord plastic cavalry and another 24 troopers from Peter Pig and Alternative Armies. Will keep me busy for a while.


  1. Love the hedges. Glad you got them sorted after the problems you had!

    1. Cheers Ray, glad I resolved the issue as it would have been a shame to waste the effort

  2. You continue making impressive progress with your current project. for me, working on terrain means I am getting close to a game.

    1. I wish I was close to a game, need a few more Parliamentarians done and Mitch to get some of his finished

  3. The hedges look great when completed and the dragoons aren't half bad, either - nice work all round.
