Saturday 26 August 2023

Sir John Lamplugh's regiment of foote

So back to the infantry and the 6th regiment for Newcastle's army. This time I chose Sir John Lamplugh's regiment, simply because I managed to obtain a flag from Wargames design for the unit. The flag is scaled at 10mm which fits the epic scale figures well. I also managed to complete another mounted brigadier as well. So now I'm 6 down and just 1 more regiment to go then it will be back to more horse regiments.

The 7th regiment is already on the painting table, going for red tunics for a bit of a change as Sir John Gerlington's regiment. Hopefully get these finished over the next couple of days.

I also did a little planning on the table size we'll need. Looks like around a 10ft by 5ft to make sure we have enough space for both armies. Laying out Newcastle's Royalist and they have a frontage of just over 4ft. Ruperts' army is likely to have a slightly longer frontage.


  1. Going strong … nearly there!

    what are your experiences with the front pike at porte, does that make the unit harder to handle or match up in Close Combat with enemy pike?

    1. Cheers Norm, Im wishing I went for a deeper base on the fron pike unit as they do seem to tangle when pushed together for close combat

  2. Nice work! Too bad there is no option to have all pike upright.

    1. Cheers Jonathan, it would be a bonus if the option was available

  3. Another good-looking unit Scotty - are you also doing the Allied (Parliamentarian and Scots) army or is one of your mates taking care of them?

    1. I'll also be doing the Northern Association for Parlaiment. Mitch is doing Rupert and the Eastern Association. Leaving the Scots till last

    2. LOL - I, of course, would start with the Scots!

    3. They are the easiest to paint, all that grey. Hoping Warlord actually release them or it's 3d printing
