Tuesday 22 August 2023

Royalist horse and Commanded Shotte

Well I managed to muster out a few more units for Newcastle's Royalist army of the north. First up is 2 more regiments of Northern Horse, the figures for these are all from Steelfist miniatures. I'm awaiting a new order of flags for these. Going for a 10mm scale as the 15mm flags were too large even if I tried to trim them down.

I also completed the only unit of commanded shotte I need for this army. They are a mix of the Warlord Plastics and Steelfist miniatures. For coat colour I went with white as it represents the majority of my completed regiments so far.

Next for the painting table is the 8th regiment of the horse I need, followed by a regiment of Dragoons. There is also another infantry battalia as well as a number of mounted commanders. I am also awaiting a small order from Alternative armies (old Table top range). Historically these are normally in the small size of 15mm so hopefully they will match in with the rest iof the horse that I've done.


  1. Do you like the look of the Steelfist cavalry over Warlord's cav? They look good in the photos.

    1. They are a much nice figure and loads of variety

  2. Nicely done Neil and interesting to see the alternative figures available 👍

  3. Great additions to your collection, when do you think you'll be sick of painting white?

    1. Cheers Ray, pretty soon I think so going to mix it up shortly with some Parlaimentarians
