Sunday 1 September 2024

More prep and other things

As the Marston Moor game draws closer as I started thinking about a couple of fields around the 2 villages to try and break up the table a little. Previously I've just used some shaped pieces of felt of various colours which have worked fine. So as a trial I took a couple of the spare pieces I had, a dark brown and lime green to try and 'jazz' them up. I first tried to added watered down paint in various shades of either green or brown but was not really happy with the outcome. I then remembered some old mixed flock I had and decided to give each field a very rough coat of PVA glue then covered in flock. I wasn't too bothered if some areas were missed. Once the excess was shaken off i then added some static grass around the edges with a few tufts scattered across the fields. The results are in. Not 100% sure of them, but better than just plain sheets of felt.

Think I prefer the one on the dark brown base.  Not sure if I will have time to get the other pieces done as they are at the club. While these were drying I finished off the last 4 pieces of hedge that I think I need. Done pretty much the same as the last batch.

The other bits I completed were the 20 dismounted dragoons for Simon and a 10mm Battlescale church which will come in handy for ACW/AWI games in the future.

Now just got a couple of civilians to finish before Saturday and the frame guns for Simon.


  1. Seems to be a very busy - and productive- time at your place, Scotty! The fields look good.

    1. Cheers Keith, helps that the weather is nice and I can get to the shed. Also the upcoming game helps to keep me focused

  2. Nice work Neil. Fields look good.

  3. The brown felt works waaay better because it blends in nicely where the flock isn't; where as the lime green flock has too much of a contrast. if you cut / trim the edges of the lime green felt it'll look better.
    Just 2 cents worth of unsolicited feedback. 😁
    good luck with the big game

    1. Cheers Stew, definitely going to trim the lime green one

  4. Busy busy always more to do for a show game….sorry I can’t come in person 🙁

    1. Cheers Matt, always seems to be the little things that need doing
