Wednesday 11 September 2024

A Galaxy far, far away

Every now and then I like to run a small side project alongside my main. I find these little distractions are great to act as a sort of breather and allows a change of focus. So this is just such a one. I always enjoy a bit of sci-fi gaming, especially Star wars. I do have plenty of the Star Wars legion figures, but these are more appropriate for larger battles. I am wanting to run a few smaller games around a Rebel cell during the early parts of the rebellion. It will be based around small raids, stealing cargo etc. At least I will be able to use the storm troopers if needed.

The first batch of figures are simply some Stargrave figures, re-based on the legion style bases. They will be a decent start for a rebel cell.

The next batch of figures are some beasties that I picked up off EBay. They are Nexus, from the Imperial Assault game. They were pretty easy to paint up. I can envisage using these in scenarios involving transporting  them or as enemies in some ambush on the party.

The last batch of figures completed are some Corporation security guards. They are based on the Stargrave troopers, taking inspiration from the guards in the series Andor. I've got another 5 of these undercoated.

So what next, I've got a couple of cargo transports on order from Oshiromodels. I've also picked up some extra stargrave sprues of Scavengers to use as rogues or bounty hunters. There is also a sprue of Cannon fodder from Wargames atlantic. I can see these making suitable ground crew and workers in a cargo hold.


  1. Very nice Neil….sadly I don’t limit myself to only one side project !

  2. Are Stargrave and Star Wars Legion figures in the same scale?

    1. The Legion figures are slightly taller , but not noticeably so for skirmish games

  3. Nice stuff Pulp collection serves a similar purpose at my painting desk!

    1. Cheers Keith, always good to have side projects

  4. Nicely done! A little Star Wars is always fun. I like a little Sci-fy as well, mainly Starwars, Startrek, or Lord of the Rings. 😁

    1. Cheers Stew, can't beat a bit of sci-fi gaming now and again
