Sunday 15 September 2024

Imperial Technicians and game prep

So a little more work done as I get prepared for a small game on Thursday using the Galactic Heroes rules from Wiley games. These are models are my proxies to represent Imperial technicians. They are always in the films  scanning the millennium falcon or in the background. So create them I used a sprue of Cannon fodder from Wargames Atlantic for the bodies and heads. The arms are from various Stargrave sprues along with and additional equipment. I gave them all side arms as that is how they are depicted.

They are a simple light grey uniform with black boots and caps. The caps are not quite tight but close enough for me. The team could do with 1 or 2 maintenance droids to complete them.

Next up for the game on Thursday I was preparing some QRS for the players as well as a sheet with their team details. So far we have 1 team of Bounty hunters and 2 teams of Rebels. I'll be controlling the Corporate Security extras. I even did some photos of the teams, to help with identification and for character progression in future games. I even went with a different effect to look like wanted posters. The captains name's are based off the players own name.

D"Vas M'son and rebel cell

Bounty hunter Se'an M'voy and miscreants

Rebel Jon Oberte and crew

So I think I have everything ready for the game. Mitch is loaning me some of his terrain pieces as my own collection is not large enough yet.