Monday 16 September 2024

Every Quar needs a home

So my 2nd side project is the Quar and in between painting Star wars stuff they were in need of a little attention. I had been looking for a suitable house for my Quar to fight over. It had to be quirky enough yet still practical. I didn't want to just re-use buildings in my collection, though the fencing and fields will see some use. Luckily at the Border Reiver show I managed to pick up a couple of buildings from Sarissa Precision, from their Burrows and Badgers range. These looked like they would fit the bill. So the first one is built and painted up.

I'm quite happy with how it turned out and so spent some time today building and undercoating the second house. Once done it will be time to give the Quar another run out on the table top.


  1. This is a fine example of home construction!

  2. Clever idea to repurpose buildings from one slightly odd miniatures range to another slightly odd one, Scotty! The completed example looks good too.

    1. Cheers Keith, they do seem to be in keeping with the Quar theme

  3. Nicely done and it certainly looks appropriate 👍

  4. Nice build. There is definitely a Quar-iness feel to it.

    1. Cheers Peter, they definitely have a quarky feel about them

  5. I think it fits nicely. Quar houses are strange things; you want something that is definitely a house, but different from human houses, but not too different because they are humanoid, kinda modern (world war ish) but not too modern and not too medieval...
    kinda becomes a thing where everything fits and nothing does. 😁
    I'll have to check out that line at Sarissa as well.

    1. They do have a decent range and can definitely see me picking up a few more
