Saturday 28 September 2024

Cargo Speeders / Transports

I picked up a couple of vehicles from Oshiromodels to use in my ongoing Star Wars campaign. The second episode is to be a rescue mission as 2 of the rebel leaders were captured in the 1st mission. The 2 vehicles will be used to transport them through the streets to an awaiting shuttle where they will be transported to the Prisoner moon dubbed Rwanda IX. 

The first vehicle is a flat bed speeder. I really like this model. You can even get extra flat beds to extend it further.

The second vehicle is a medium cargo skiff. This will be handy for moving the security teams around the table. Once again I went for a blue base coat as they will belong to Corporate Security. There were also 3 fuel cylinders that just require a quick paint job and a bit of weathering

Even though I have weathered both vehicles (doesn't show up too well in the photos) I may add a little more tomorrow. I've now got a shuttle to complete that I picked up from E-Bay as well as 2 anti-grav sleds that Mitch has printed off for me.

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