Friday 17 November 2023

A battle to bring the floor down!

So last night the ECW collection got its first run out. 7 players, lots of troops and a collapsing floor. With the Royalists having slightly more troops, they were commanded by myself, Sean, Mitch and Thom. The traiterous Parlaimentarians and Scots were commanded by Neil G, Neil B and Robbo.  It was also a chance to dust down and familiarise with the rules. I also made a few adaptians, changing the order cards to brigades and not individual units, we had around 50+ plus units on the table. I don't have a blow by blow account as unfortunately the game was brought to an abrupt close as after a loud crack came from one of the floor joists (The floor of the room is raised by about 18 inches) we suddenly had a number of very loose floorboards on the Royalist side of the table which kind of made it rather unsafe. Thankfully the guys who run the  building are in today to make repairs.

Royalist cavalry getting ready

Royalist infantry occupy the village of Perky Bottom

Langdale's cavalry showing Rupert how it is done

Advancing Parlaimentarians

Parlaiment bring forward their horse

The horse clash on the left wing

Infantry lines closing in

During the game many of the Royalist commanders were dumbfounded when Rupert abandoned the right wing and went on a tour of the battlefield looking for Cromwell. Obviously some slight needed to be avenged. The issue was he took 3 regiments of veteran horse with him. This left Langdale holding the right flank, who in true Royalist fashion, charged straight into the enemy. At least he had some support from Vaughan, but not enough to exploit his advantage over Copley's horse.

In the Centre The Royalist infantry brigades struggled to get forward. With the Parlaimentarians lining the hedge and showing no urgency to advance, both sides saw little action. On the Royalist left wing, movement early on was hampered by a couple of missing cards in the maneuver deck ( 1 on each side). The cavalry though both eventually got stuck in. With Byron leading off he clashed head on into Fairfax. This was an even contest with neither side really gaining an advantage until Fairfax himself was unhorsed. The timely arrival of Cromwell and his brigade of horse preventing Byron and Goring in support exploiting the gains.

Overall a good run out of the rules, shame we had to end early though. The players all seemed to enjoy it. Now to arrange a new game. One advantage though was I gained a good idea of table size for Marston Moor. We used 8ft by 4ft and still need to add another 18 infantry regiments and 11 cavalry regiments. I reckon 10ft will suffice.


  1. Neil, talk about drama in games! Great to see the units on the table , too bad about the unexpected end to the game.

    1. It was a shame we had to end early, we were just starting to get the hang of the rules and ready for some large clashes eventually in the center

  2. Now, I can understand the floor joists creaking under the weight of 50+ metal units in 28mm but 13mm plastics?

    Really great to see your hard work pay off with your large armies out on maneuvers. This is a worthy milestone to reach.

    1. Cheers Jonaathan. I wasn't what we were expecting with flooring issues putting n end to the game

  3. Great to see the troops in action. Such a shame about the early finish.

    1. Cheers Richard, the early finish was disappointing

  4. Great looking test game 👍 Neil where are you planning to put the main event on again ?

  5. Well, that was certainly a dramatic first outing for this collection Scotty - I am sure all participants will remember it for many years to come! With both sides composed of newly painted figures, perhaps a draw caused by abandonment was the best the Dice Gods could come up with?!
    What was the cause of Prince Ruperts perambulations - an Event Card or some similar mechanism to add some friction to the game?

    1. Yes a memorable outing. Rupert excursion was simply dow to Sean wanting to take out Cromwell and spent the whole battle looking for him

  6. Great looking and eventful game!
    Best Iain

  7. Great looking battle- it's not enough that the troops have the usual dangers of a battle....but damaged floor boards too.

    1. Cheers John, thankfully the floor has now beed repaired
