Quickly following on from yesterday's post. Here are the rest of my Soviet forces that I managed to complete. First up is a pair of BRDM-2 Sagger ATGM from Red3 miniatures. Love these models so had to have them even though they aren't in the force lists for 7 days to the River Rhine.
BRDM-2 Sagger ATGM |
Next up is a pair of BRDM-2s. These will undertake a reconnaissance role for the force. I picked up these models from Timecast. I wanted to test compatibility between the ranges.
BRDM-2s |
The last additions are an infantry platoon and their transports. I went for the good old BTR-60 PB, these were also from Timecast. The infantry are from Red3 miniatures. In keeping with the idea of a category 2 force, these guys are just a simple motor rifle platoon. Handy to support the armour.
Motor rifle platoon with transports
The completed force so far. Not sure on the points value of this force so will need to sort that out.
I've now just got a few more pieces being based. A infantry command team, 3 Spigot ATGM teams and a couple more T-62s. I'm also awaiting a small order from Red3 miniatures for another infantry platoon with transports and a couple of Gaz jeeps. After these will look to add a 3rd infantry platoon and a few more support options. Then I can look to put together a small NATO force.