Friday, 6 August 2021

SCW Carlists part III

I know I only did a post yesterday, but I managed to complete the last of my Carlist Requetes. The additional 4 figures will complete the command section and one of the rifle sections. Figures and flags from Empress miniatures.

To support my Carlists I also put together a light mortar team. Luckily Empress do spare heads so a quick headswap was in order for one of the crew.

So as I was packing them away I took the opportunity to do a quick photo shoot of the platoon.

So what's next for this project as nothing is ever complete. I do have a HMG team to ad for the Carlists as well as an artillery piece for the Nationalist.

I do still need to bring my FAI-CNT militia upto atleast platoon strength. That would be five Republican platoons against just 4 Nationalists, so I can either add some more Carlists or pick a platoon from either the Legion or Falangists. At least I don't need to make a decision yet.


  1. You are making fast work of these!

    1. Much easier when the figures are a joy to paint

  2. Nice job on the figures, Adding crew weapons will really put some firepower under the panache of the uniforms.

    1. Thank you. They definitely need the extra firepower

  3. Gosh, you have 'churned' those out in really quick time. They look wonderful too, especially those lovely crimson berets.
    Regards, James

  4. Very rapid progress on the SCW project!
    No "maƱana" excuses given!

  5. More great work Neil. I just painted a couple of RCW figures and find they are so easy to paint after all the messing around involved in doing eighteen century cavalry! Our friend Rick has a large SCW collection of Empress figures too....are you planning to do any Republican Milicianas?

    1. Cheers Keith, yes the intention is to add Republican Milicianas
