Wednesday 23 October 2024

More Mechs

In preparation for a club game tomorrow night (Not Alpha strike but Battle suit Alpha), I've been finishing off a few more Mechs. These 4 all from the Alpha strike boxed set. This will be my second lance for the Dragons Fury regiment. The last 4 just need their bases completed.

So from left to right we have the following, ARC-5R Archer, BJ-3 Blackjack, TR1 Wraith and the LCT-3M Locust.

ARC-5R Archer

BJ-3 Blackjack

TR1 Wraith

LCT-3M Locust

Really pleased with these. The third lance will be finished tomorrow, I've also picked up the Command lance boxed set. This will provide a fourth lance, though I may swap one of them out for an Awesome that Mitch has printed for me.