Saturday 12 October 2024

Episode III - On the cutting table

A post name in keeping with the film analogy. So game 3 was sort of played on Thursday night. It did not go well. So it all started with me knowing I would be late to the club, so I asked Mitch to set the table up, which he did and a grand job he made of it. Then my lateness got later, players were waiting for me to arrive, my stress levels were rising as it had not been a good week at work. I took a call from Mitch, did I want to postpone the game? no was my reply as I didn't want it hanging over me for another week. I emailed him the force lists so the figures could be ready and everyone would be ready to go.

Finally I arrived, grumpy and tired (you can see where this was going). So the figures were not sorted, so I had to get that done. Finally players were in position, then I forgot the hidden set up for the Rebels (Did I say I was very tired). So first turn, Imperials get the drop on the Rebels and carnage (Forces were not balanced) Mitch and his crew made a dash down an alley way, Imperials cut them off and more carnage (Hmmm players reacting to events figures could not see). By now tiredness, grumpiness and the realisation I'd forgot the hidden set up and the Rebel. The looks on the Rebel players faces said it all, 2 turns and 5 of 9 Rebels were down and only 1 Imperial down. They had no chance and as it was a campaign their crews would be decimated. I called the game off. So Episode III is on the cutting table and will not be part of the final campaign.

I did manage a few photos, but even lost enthusiasm for that.

So a bad day at the club. Not often I get a scenario so imbalanced, but it can happen. Think I need a break from running the large games at the club as the creative juices are running on empty.

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