Sunday 7 July 2024


So in between painting ECW figures for Simon and in preparation of starting some Republican Romans, I decided to re-base some old figures in my collection. The idea being to use Basic Impetus as a starter set for some games at the club. However I have decided to go with a generic base size of 50mm x 40mm. The number of figures on a base is more representational. I've gone with 8 for heavy infantry, 6 for light/medium infantry and 2 or 3 for skirmishers. Mounted is 2 for lights and 3 for heavies. I picked up some bases from Pendraken and made a start. 

The first army that I re-based was a later hoplite Greek, think they were originally done for DBA and I painted them over 35 years ago. Nostalgia means they will not be re-painted. A few figures have been added since and I think I have enough unpainted for a couple more bases of hoplites.

The next force was some Helenistic Greeks. I can use the Peltasts and skirmisher from the Hoplites to bolster the numbers. I also have enough figures to add 3 more blocks of pike which will look better.

The last force is some Bactrian Greeks with Indian allies. These will need some more pike and archers added to complete the force.

Once I get some more sand I can make a start on finishing the bases. I may even pick up some grass tufts to add a little colour. Once the bases are all done I'll start on the Romans, but at least I can get a few games in to refresh myself with the rules.


  1. Grand plan, rebasing is the first step to the new games !

    1. Definitely, just need to get them finished

  2. I do not envy you that task scotty, so far (touch wood) I have managed to avoid rebasing anything, and it is my intention to never have to do so - although, never say never, I guess!

    1. It's not bad once you get started. Also stops me buying more figure which keeps the wife happy

  3. Not fun re-basing, but for Impetus it's a good decision and yes I'm biased.


    1. I don't actually mind it and Impetus is agood set of rules

    2. Me too! As long as you are consistent with the basing, any base-size standard should fine. For skirmishers, I put them on half deep bases.

    3. I'm liking the look of 50x40mm, enough figures to look like a body of troops on the table

  4. Ah, re-basing! Nothing quite like it. The rounded edge bases look very nice though.

    1. Cheers, I fancied a change and seen people use similar bases

  5. Nicely done and hopefully making the armies see some more action 👍

  6. Looking good. Rebasing is a pain worth going through to refresh an army and give it a uniform look especially for new rules... but hopefully not to be repeated.

    1. Cheers Richard, definitely not one to be repeated

  7. I've lost count of the number of figured I've rebased over the years- just about every ancient army has been rebased at least twice. But it does give them a fresh look and they then need to see action!

    1. It's not something I would normally do, but wanted to get the figures back on the table
