Saturday 20 July 2024

More Rhyflers

As my enthusiasm for this project continues to grow, I even managed to get in a small skirmish game with the few figures I had painted. It not go well, I rolled too many 6s, which in this game is bad, especially on recovery rolls where I managed to inflict 4 casualties upon myself. Still it was fun and I will play again. It also got me hankering after more figures for larger games using either Xenos Rampant or Fistful of lead bigger battles. First up a few pictures I took of the game, Ambush in Quarky Hollow.

So now for a few additons to my Crusaders. First up was a standard bearer, the rules for these are not out yet, but I wanted to have one. The flag is a simple image from google that I re-painted.

Next up was a field gun. The basis of which was a Boer war 'pom pom' gun. It looked suitably ridiculous, with a weird paint scheme to fit right in. For the crew I used 2 of the plastic figures. I simply replaced the arms with some spares I had left over from my WW2 Soviets. 

Next up are variously armed Rhyflers. 6 are armed with the heavier Ryshi rifle, as I discovered I need 3 per squad. There is also a light machine gunner that was a 3d print provided by Mitch and a torpedo armed Rhyfler for knocking out tractors.

I've now got a few more Rhyflers on the painting table, including a medic and some trench raiders. Mitch is also printing me 3 more light tractors based on the ford 3-ton tankette to some speed to the force. I'm also looking for a heavier piece of artillery.


  1. Good to get a game in early with a new project Scotty, and you seem to be keeping up an impressive output of additional figures.

    1. Cheers Keith, it's handy that there are both skirmish and larger battle rules.

  2. You managed to get this new project to the table in record time. Well done!

  3. I do love the gun. Thanks for stating what it was. I’m making a list of field pieces to add to my own Quar eventually. The other miniatures look good too.

    I’m also thinking my go to rules for Quar skirmish will be FFoL and bolt action for bigger skirmish but I’ll check out the upcoming big battle rules first. The Pocketbook rules did not appeal to me but it’s all due to personal taste. 😀

    1. We played the pocket book rules, while fun miss some of the details in the updated PDFs. I think we will go for FFOL for larger games

  4. Nicely done and fun after all is the main objective 👍

  5. Your turn around at the moment is staggering.

    1. Cheers Richard, they are nice and easy to paint
