Thursday 4 July 2024

ECW and Early war armour

A bit of a mixed post as I work my way through Simon's ECW figures and interspersing some of my own stuff in for my sanity. Pretty certain there should be a law restricting how many ECW figures you are allowed to paint. So first up is the 5th regiment for Simon. This time in light green coats. They join the rest in the box to be posted off.

And now for my sanity, a few early war armour form my Brits and Germans. For the Brits, there is a Matilda II from Zvezda, this is a re-paint as was never really happy with the original colour scheme. For the Germans, A Marder II and 3 Panzer II's, all 3d prints from Mitch.

So just need some decals and the vehicles will be finished. Also my first batch of Romans arrived from Museum miniatures. Hopefully I'll get some time at the weekend to start prepping them.