Sunday 30 June 2024

ECW and Gladiators

A bit of a mix bag as I plod on just trying to get some figures painted up while I still just don't feel like gaming at the moment. So first up is 3 more regiments of Pike and Shot for Simon. That makes 4 of the 10 completed. As he hasn't specified any particular regiments I have gone with very generic coat colours. That way he can use them as he wishes. That's the beauty of the civil war and that there is very little evidence of coat colours for the majority of the regiments. So 1 regiment in blue, the other 2 are in differing shades of brown.


After painting these it was another couple of Gladiators or my collection. Both figures are from Crusader miniatures, a Hoplomachi and a Secutor. This brings me up to 14 completed figures for my Ludus. I do have another 4 on the painting table.

In other news I have been looking around for a new project. I want to stay at 15mm as I prefer the look for larger battles. Sticking with the Basic impetus rules I have decided to paint up some Republican Romans, so an order has gone into Museum miniatures from their 'z' range. I also have a large number of Greek hoplites that I can re-base as well as some Hellenistic Greeks as direct opponents of the Romans. Should keep me busy over the summer months and into winter.


  1. Consistently plodding along is a sure way to build up large armies and knock out projects one after another. I look forward to seeing your new project using Museum Miniatures' Z-Range. Should be fantastic. I approve a move to Basic Impetvs. BI always produces a very exciting and tense game.

    1. Cheers Jonathan, can't wait to get started on the Romans

  2. Beautiful new painted miniatures sir!
    Best regards

  3. Nicely painted figures Neil. I hope Simon is suitably appreciative.
