Tuesday 7 May 2024

More DAK

With my first game on Thursday night getting closer, a few more figures crossed the finish line. First up is a battalion commander with a 50mm mortar team and 3 spare bases of riflemen. These are all from forged in battle.

The second batch is some sdkfz 10s to tow my AT guns. These 4 are from forged in battle. Just need to get the drivers painted up.

Now I have a race on to get a few more pieces done for Thursday. Doubt I'll get them all done but I've a Pak40, 2 x 105mm howitzer, 6 Pak38s and 2 x 81mm mortar teams on the painting table.


  1. More good, last minute additions. I await the report from Thursday’s game.

    1. Cheers Jonathan, I just can't wait for the game to see how it plays out

  2. The Forged in Battle figures look great, particularly the four vehicles...looking forward to reading your AAR soon.

  3. Excellent work. DAK are some of my favorite paint schemes.

    1. Cheers Joe , the paint scheme is also one of my favourites for this period
