Tuesday 21 May 2024

Covenanter horse and casualty markers

The end is getting closer. Today I finished the last regiment of Scots Covenanter cavalry. These are made up of Peter Pig, Alternative armies and Warlord plastics. Pleased to get these done and mark off another contingent as complete. The flag is from Wargames designs.

After our last play test, I decided I needed some casualty markers to track both casualties and hits. I had already put 10 together, but knew I would need more. So here is another batch of 8 to add to the collection. Still not sure if 18 will be enough. I do have 6 more that I can paint up.

So for me, just 1 more regiment of Scots Covenanter infantry to complete. I may also paint up another unit of commanded shot to help Mitch out as I have the figures. He just has the last 3 Royalist infantry to do and some Cavalry for Parlaiment.


  1. Beautiful new painted stuff sir!

  2. When you are churning out game markers, the end is near.

  3. Excellent stuff Scotty...are the casualty markers 15mm or 28mm figures?

    1. Cheers Keith. They are 15mm from Peter Pig

    2. Ah right....the individual casualties just looked bigger for some reason 😀

    3. Think I had the zoom on when I took the picture

  4. The figures look great Neil. Casualty markers too!

  5. Great cavalry and markets Neil.
