Sunday 12 May 2024

Back to ECW

After a couple of months painting up my DAK forces, I thought it was time to get back on to the Marston Moor project to get the last few units done. I had left it requiring 1 Covenanter horse regiment and 3 Covenanter foot regiments. Mitch still has 3 Royalist foot to do along with some commanded shot and 3 horse regiments for the Parliamentarians.

So the 1st of the 3 foot regiments I require. Didn't take long to get these done as they have sat half painted for a couple of months.  The flag is from Wargames design.

So pleased to get re-started on these. I've even managed to get the last of the figures undercoated and ready for painting over the next couple of weeks.


  1. Good to see a return to ECW and Martson Moor. I agree with Ray, top work.

    1. Cheers Jonathan. A final push to get the figures done

  2. Splendid work Neil. The end is very much in sight.

    1. Cheers Richard, definitely getting closer to the end

  3. They look great Scotty and you can see the finish line in sight now!
