Saturday 8 July 2023

30k - The XVIth legion musters

The benefits of being off work, plenty of time to paint. So here are another couple of batches of figures completed. The XVIth Legion is nearing completion. I just have 2 more squads to finish over the weekend.

Batch 1

Batch 2

Veteran Marines

Pair of Dreadnoughts

Predator and Razorback


Justaerin Terminators

Assault squad

Techmarine and extra marines

Imperial Knight

Just one last push and this force is complete. Once those 2 squads are done I'll post an army picture. I will add a very small Imperial army detachment to the force, namely the Baneblade, a couple of Leman Russ ranks and 3 Chimera mounted squads. Thankfully I don't need to worry about the Loyalists as 3 other club members have been bitten by the bug so far.


  1. Wow....that must be some kind of record! A new project started and completed in a few days....have you eaten or slept?!!😝

    1. I think it is a record for me, just basing the last 2 squads now

  2. That's quite a body of work you've done here.

    1. Cheers Richard, they paint up very quickly
