Sunday 9 July 2023

30k - Army review

It seems in just over 10 days or so, I have put together a decent collection of the XVIth legion for the Horus Heresy. I do have another 19 marines that were left over, so I'll paint them up sometime in the future as a shame to waste them. So first up is the latest completed figures, a medic, some extra Terminators and another Tactical squad.

As most of the Legions in the Horus Heresy had supporting elements from the Imperial army, I have decided to go with a Super Heavy Tank, the Baneblade. This will eventually be supported by a couple of Leman Russ tanks and 3 units of mechanised infantry. The Baneblade is a beast of a model, I went with a more urban camo and quite happy with how it turned out.

Size comparison with a Landraider

So before I packed them away waiting for the rest of the club to get their armies complete, I did a quick photo shoot of the whole force so far.

XVIth Legion

Tactical squads

Assault, Terminators and Veterans

Terminators and Dreadnoughts

The Armoured support

Auxiliary supports

Hopefully I don't have long to wait before I can get a game in with these. So far the guys at the club are covering the World Eaters, White Scars, Ultramarines, Imperial Fists and Imperial army. We look a little short on Traitors.