Thursday 6 July 2023

30k Madness continues

It sure helps being off work, getting in plenty of extra painting time which is certainly helping move this project along at a good pace. First up is another 3 vehicles, these are part of the 2nd batch of stuff from Mitch. I have also gone back and added bases to all of my vehicles. I think it helps protect the figures more, especially with them being resin.

Landspeeder Typhoon

Razorback Transport


I have another  Landspeeder, Razorback, Predator and 2 Dreadnoughts to finish then I can concentrate on adding some more infantry. With my bases finally arriving, I spent the morning prepping and basing the infantry.

This will give me an additional 2 Tactical squads, 2 Terminator squads and an Assault squad. There are also enough to round out the command squad, including a medic and a Techmarine. With having a Baneblade Superheavy tank I have asked Mitch to print off 3 squads of Imperial Guard and Chimera transports to act as support troops.


  1. All the time I love the armour colour!
    Great work.

  2. Madness it may very well be Scotty, but the 3 D prints are very impressive and you have done a nice job on them all, including the basing - which is important to the overall look!
