Sunday, 22 January 2023

RCW - Whites

Just before Christmas I picked up a couple of packs of Copplestone White Russians from Colonel Bills. They were made up of some officers, HMG team and artillery, but no infantry. So I decided to make a speculative purchase from Minifigs for some of their Russian infantry. I was wanting something a little different from the Copplestone figures which make up my Red forces.

The poses from Minifigs are much more dynamic than Copplestone. Though the figures are slender, it is fine mixing in the odd Cooplestone figure, such as an officer. I wouldn't add a single Minifig to a Copplestone unit as he would look out of place.

So the 1st company from the Izhevsk Rifle battalion. The coat colours are a little greener than I would have liked, but does help them look different to my Boshevik units. As can be seen I have added one of the Copplestone figures to lead the unit.

I now have the 2nd company nearing completion, then I can start on the HMG and artillery.


  1. Those fellas in the back have some big mustachios.

  2. Nice work Scotty....are these "actual" Minifigs? I didn't realise they did anything for this era, and I woukd have expected a much more obvious size disparity with the Copplestone officer.....

    1. They were under the Minifigs umbrella. Possibly another manufacturer
