Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Volunteer Horse

After a brief interlude into 10mm, it's back to the Colonials. This time some volunteer Horse. I already have 3 mounted Boers painted up and these 5 round up the unit. 

First are a command group from Perry miniatures. Went for the later khaki uniform look.

The last 2 figures are from Northstars Africa range. They are for a slightly later period but feel they fit in with the irregular look I am after.

So all 5 together. They mix well together. When I get to the club on Thursday I can add the other 3.

Probably back to the 10mm while I await an order from Perry miniatures for some Eygptians.


  1. They look good, Neil! I have always enjoyed the look of Egyptians during this period do I look forward to seeing yours.

  2. Nicely done , think I got some mounted blacktree boers which I converted but they were nice figures

    1. Cheers Matt, they are not a bad range from Blacktree

  3. More nice work there Scotty - fingers crossed they can help swing the game the Imperialists way!

    1. Cheers Keith, I'm sure the players are thinking the same
