Sunday, 11 April 2021

SCW Moors

My first completed troops for the Nationalist cause are some Moors who accompanied Franco from North Africa. They were fearsome troops for the Nationalist cause.

The first 10 figures are from the Northstar range, a shame they don't do a command set. I deliberatly mixed up the voat colours to add a bit of irregularity to the unit. The figures I have are all riflemen with one LMG in the group.

I was also lucky enough to pick up a small group of figures from EBay. I just needed to touch up the paintwork, add a wash and re-base to match my collection. This provided a LMG team, 4 riflemen and 2 Bounty hunters. The figures are all from Empress miniatures.

The 2 ranges of figures are a good match and mix together well. Helps add more variety. So this will give me 2 of the 3 sections I need, I already have an HQ group on order from Empress.

On the painting table I have 6 militia figures, 4 of these are the Wargames Atlantic plastic French partisans. Not bad and a cheap was to bulk out militia units.