Tuesday 24 November 2020

Star Wars Phase 1 complete

As the title says, phase 1 of my Star Wars project is complete. I.e. enough figures and terrain to get a game with. I finally managed to complete the last of my unpainted figures.

First up is an AT-ST, this is not from the Legion game, but one from Wizards of the Coast. The scale may not be quite right, but I picked this up for £10, significantly cheaper than the Fantasy flight model. The first photo has a Stormtrooper for scale.

The next model is for the Rebels, a third AT-RT. I've deliberatly given each of these a different paint scheme. My reason being as these are old vehicles from the Clone Wars that the Rebels have scavenged.

I also completed another 3d printed terrain piece. To tie it in with the rest of the collection I went with a grey colour scheme.

So with Phase 1 complete I got all the toys out of storage for a quick photo. Not bad for 3 months work.

For Phase 2 I will be looking to add a few more figures. In particular I want some more Stormtroopers and probably Darth Vader. I would also like a few more creatures and alien bounty hunters; then onto more terrain with a few extra buildings and battlefield clutter. In the meantime back to the Franco Prussian war project.


  1. Looking good, Neil! The AT-RT is HUGE. I am anxious to see a return to your FPW project.

    1. Cheers Jonathan, bysy finishing off another Prussian regiment

  2. The AT-RT may be a bit big but still looks great.

    1. Cheers Ray, it's pose doesn't help with the legs straight instead of crouched

  3. Great output for three months Neil.
    Santa is bringing Mrs Scrivs an AT-ST (Target had a sale and I got one for $25.00)

    1. Cheers Paul, the Legion AT-ST is a great looking model
