Saturday 25 January 2020

DR Battle Companies

On Thursday night I umpired the first game, running a few amendments to Dragon Rampant to allow larger games and make it easier for multiplayer games.

I made some adjustments to Command and Control, giving each command random activation points. This seemed to work well and helped the game flow. Another rule was limiting the number of rounds that missile units can fire.

The game involved a detachment of Elves linking up with some Men of Gondor after tracking an Orc raiding force.

The good guys had the following

Elf captain
2 companies of light foot - mixed weapons

Human captain
4 companies of heavy foot

Human captain
3 companies of light missile
1 company of rangers

Human captain
2 companies of Elite riders - controlled

The Orcish raiders were as follows

Orc captain
3 companies of warg riders
1 company of wolves

2x Orc captains each with
4 companies of heavy foot
2 companies of light missile

The game kicked off with the Gondorian heavy foot occupied a defencive position on a large hill. The Elves and knights moved to extend the right flank.

The Warg riders crossed the river looking to get behind the Gondorians. The Orc foot kept it simple and headed straight at the enemy.

With the Warg riders threatening the flank, The Gondorians recalled their cavalry and turned their archers to meet the threat. The first Orc battalion opened fire on the Gondorians before their heavy infantry charged  home. The first assaults were beaten off, but the Gondorians could ill afford the loses inflicted upon them. The Orcs must of had the whips of Sauron on their backs as their morale held. The Gondorians counter attacked, but were beaten back. Their captain was forced to join the fray to best back the Orcs.

With the Elves pouring fire into the flanks, things seemed to be going well as an Orc company broke. However 2 of the Gondorian heavy infantry companies collapsed under the pressure. Led by their captain the Orcs surged forward again. This time a Hero of Gondor stepped out and slew the Orc captain in personal combat. The morale of the Orc battalion was shattered, but so 2 was the Gondorians as the last of their heavy infantry faltered.

The Elves on the flank were becoming cut off as the second Orc battalion moved forward into the gap. With only missile troops remaining and their knights negated by the warg riders. The good guys ceded the field.

Overall the amendments seemed to hold up well. Positive comments from the players. I'll tinker with a couple of things before a second trial game next week.


  1. Nice work and a great looking game. The two amendments we make for larger games are removing the 3” from friendly troops rule and giving each side a number of additional failed re roles, normally 2 or 3. So it a unit fails it can’t go again but it doesn’t end the whole turn until you have failed all 3.

    1. Cheers Matt. I also hot rid of the 3" rule. l wanted to form companies into battalions

  2. Game looks really good, great idea these movement slabs.

    1. Thanks Wouter. Definitely makes moving the troops easier
