Sunday 18 August 2024

What have I been painting?

I've been spending some time trying to clear the loose ends on various projects in between painting the Quar. With my current Quar all painted up I thought I better post these before my memory fades. First up was the last 4 gladiators that I had. There was a Murmillo, 3d printed by Mitch, 2 Secutors and a Thraex from Crusader miniatures.

This brings me up to 18 Gladiators, 4 lions and a bear. I think I have most of the more common types covered. Probably just 1 or 2 more to complete the collection. Next up was a few bits and pieces for my Afrika Corps to represent the 609th Flak battalion for the Tebega gap scenario. There is a Sdkfz 10/1 SP 20mm and a Sdkfz 7/1 SP Quad 20mm AA. There is also an additional Quad 20mm AA gun.

The last things I painted up were 3 Scots Covenanter regiments for Simon. I do have a fourth nearing completion. Then I can paint up the lancers and dragoons and get them all posted off.

I'll be so pleased when the last of the ECW figures are done. I can hopefully make a start on my Republican Romans.


  1. Wow! You are cranking out the figures! Are your Romans Epic as is your ECW project?

    1. Cheers Jonathan, the Romans are just good old 15mm figures from Museum miniatures

  2. Great looking miniatures!
    Love the Gladiators!

  3. A lovely mixed bag of stuff Neil 👍

  4. you've been very productive. 😁

    1. Cheers Stew, I like to keep things ticking along
