Friday, 15 January 2021

WW2 Winter Soviets Pt2

A quick post as I've been able to finally put together the basic 3 squad platoon for Chain of command with the addition of LMG teams for the 2nd and 3rd squads. The figures for these are from Crusader miniatures.  The 2 SMG troopers will be spare figures for now, probably use them as additional crew figures or as the start of a Tank Rider platoon.

I also put together an additional 4th squad with figures from Artizan designs. These are probably my favourite figures and were a joy to paint. They'll likely be promoted to 1st squad.

While I'm awaiting the arrival of a BT-7 tank I've built one of the Warlord AT rifles as another support option. I'll hopefully get them painted over the weekend. 

I'm currently on a fruitless search for some AT guns. I would like to get a hold of the Plastic Soldier company set but they seem to be out of stock everywhere. A shame as the set allows you to build both the 45mm and 76mm infantry gun. I'll also need to keep my eye out for a mortar team and some additional armour options, either the T34 or KV1.


  1. Well done, nice looking group!

  2. I hope your Russians only ever come up against a PzKfw I or II with their AT rifle...whenever I have used them (not often) they seem to be pretty ineffectual!

    1. I'm not expecting much from it. Really only painting them up as an option until I can get an AT gun
