Wednesday, 12 March 2025

FPW, the dilema

While I have been painting up additional troops for the Franco Prussian war, with more to come, especially for the Prussians. I need more French, even with Thom starting on I Corps. So dear readers I painted up another French regiment and this is where my dilema begins. I have so far come up with 2 relevant options and a 3rd.

Option 1, is to use them as the start of the 4th Division of III Corps, which would actually complete the Corps. However I'm not sure if a single division would be enough, especially when I'm about to add a division of Hessians. I could look at adding either 1 or both Divisions of the Guards.

Option 2, is to start another French Corps, probably IV Corps. It does have 3 infantry divisions, but just 2 would probably suffice and also add in the cavalry division.

Option 3, this is in addition to either option 1 or 2. Paint up the cavalry reserve for the Army of the Rhine. Gotta love cavalry for this period, even if they weren't very good.

Got a couple of weeks to make a decision and then start to make the purchases that I need. Meanwhile here is the painted regiment.

The figures, as always from Outpost/Reiver castings. I'm now awaiting a small order for the Chasseurs and a second line regiment.


  1. Easy! Paint the III/4th and then start on the IV!

  2. The new unit looks tres belle Scotty ...
    My advice is paint everything!

    1. Cheers Keith, that would give me an issue of storage

  3. Nice looking regiment and an interesting dilemma, I would go with Keiths suggestion, paint the lot!!

  4. Nice work……you have indicated why I don’t think I can start this period anytime soon. Impressive forces though 👍

    1. Cheers Matt, it can become a bit of a rabbit hole

  5. Grest new additions Neil, I'd go with option 2 and then do the cavalry!
