Sunday, 23 March 2025

Painting update

In between running the latest Franco Prussian War battle, I've been trying to get a little painting done as I prepare for the next game in the campaign. So first up was a few extra buildings from Battlescale in their 10mm range. For the latest game I've had to use a few buildings that were too early for the period. These were done to rectify that, though the watermill is more suited to an American theatre.


Townhouse 1

Townhouse 2

Townhouse 3
I've also been adding to the FPW collection. First up was some spare mounted figures I had left over and a mounted Divisional leader. As the cavalry brigades are generally of mixed horse I can simply add these two stands to the existing brigades.

And lastly was a start on the infantry regiments for the Hessian Division. Thankfully they are equipped the same as their Prussian counterparts, but they do have their own distinctive flags. So the 1st and 2nd infantry regiments are done. They are smaller than the Prussians as they are only fielding two battalions instead of the normal three. The figures as usual are from Outpost/Reiver castings.

I've already got the next batch of figures prepped and undercoated. They are a third Hessian regiment, Hessian cavalry, a French infantry regiment and some Chasseurs.


  1. Despite running an epic, multi part game Scotty, you have got a fair bit of painting in too...nice work as always!

  2. Cool buildings and figurea Neil.

  3. Nice buildings, they should look great on the table, lovely little models. More great recruits for your armies too!

  4. Love the minis and building stuff!

  5. man, you are like non stop! love the buildings...😁

    1. Cheers Stew, easy when you have a game to plan to give you focus
