Sunday, 9 March 2025

FPW extras and some terrain prep

So in the middle of our second large battle at the club, my mind is already working out the details of game 3 and what I'll need. Thankfully Thom has committed to painting up the French I Corps, this has 4 infantry divisions and a cavalry division. It would be a welcome boon to my french troops. However Thom is a notoriously slow painter, though his armies look superb, putting my efforts to shame. He should have 1 division completed for next week and made a start on a second. I have said I will proxy in 2 Zouave regiments from my Union ACW (They are close enough) to make up a second division. Will certainly help in the current game.

Going forward I have another French regiment on the painting table and have ordered enough figures to complete a second regiment and a unit of Chasseurs. I may increase these to complete a division or even look to complete a small French corps.

Back to a game 3, the French, even with increased numbers will probably need some additional help, so I've set to work on making a few more barricades. They are still a work in progress. Made using modelling sticks, match sticks, some cheap air drying modelling clay. These will eventually have some sand added for texture before being painted up. I also had a few left over gambions which I've used to make 3 gun emplacements.

Gun emplacements


Please ignore the bright coloured clay. Once painted over you will never know. Now the French aren't the only ones getting reinforcements. I did manage to complete the dragoons I need to complete the Baden Division. 6 stands from Outpost Miniatures.

I have also decided to add the Hessian division, basically because I like the look of the flags and because it is actually quite small. The 4 regiments are only made up of 2 battalions, which would make the 6 stand units instead of 10. They also have a small unit of cavalry and a couple of Jager regiments. So the Divisional commander and the 2 Jager regiments are done. I like the Jagers as the headgear is slightly different from the Prussians and their coat is blue instead of green.

So both units are done, 1 advancing and the other as a firing line. Now I need to start prepping the 4 line regiments while I wait for the cavalry to arrive.


  1. You are certainly a busy man, Scotty...plenty going on all the time!
