Friday, 14 March 2025

FPW - Battle of Drouvile Part II

So Thursday night was back into the grip of the game. We got through about 5 more moves which was good going, considering the amount of troops and both sides finally getting really stuck into each other.

On the Prussian left flank the Bavarian I Corps continued to swing around the woods to bring pressure on Drouvile from the west. All that stood between them and the town were parts of the french 1st division of III Corps. Both sides began to inflict casualties as they came within rifle range. 1 regiment of French chasseurs were caught in a cross fire and wiped out. Meanwhile the 11th Prussian Division head straight into the gap between Drouvile and the woods. The closer they got, the fire from the Chasspotte began to inflict horrific casualties, but still the division came on before eventually crashing into the french line. They even began to force the defenders of Drouvile back. But the cost was high, 3 of the brigades were now spent and the 4th not far off. The 12th division had a bit more luck as they came forward through the cover of the woods. It took a couple of turns to flush out some Franc Tirreurs and chasseurs before they eventually hit the french line. However even they are starting to see the casualties mount. They lost a regiment of Jagers and then the dragoons were wiped out after charging headlong into the french line.

French defenders await 11th Division

Bavarians massing to the west of Drouvile

Into the teeth of the chassepotte

Too few defenders to face the Bavarians

12th division forcing a way through the woods

Over in the centre, the Wurtemburg division pushed forward supporting the Prussian 12th Division's right flank as they slowly came to grips with the french line. The french though were proving resolute, holding on to their ridge in the face of the German aggressor. The Baden division though was holding its position, providing support to the artillery which continued to pound the french XII Corps. When the french tried to advance off their ridge, the barrage of artillery shells forced them back.

Over of the right flank, the Prussian cavalry division was supported by cavalry from the Wurtemburg divisions as they faced off against 2 french cavalry divisions. Both sides seemed to have great difficulty in getting the cavalry to move. It took until the 5th turn of the night for the Prussians to commit themselves to the charge. A glorious charge it turned out for the uhlans who smashed through 2 regiments of french cavalry, punching a hole through their lines. The other 2 combats were even affairs.

12th and Wurtemburg divisions close on III Corps

Baden division holds back

The cavalry stare intently at each other

Dragoons charged into a hail of fire from which they didn't return

Prussian coming to grips with the french

Battered remains of the 11th division

Attacks stalling under heavy french fire

Who fancies charging first?


So next week should see the last 5 moves of the game. The defence of Drouvile is precarious as 2 Bavarian divisions are about to hit from the west. The centre is still up for grabs, as the closer  the Prussians get the more casualties they suffer. The french are desperate for their reserves, they have 2 divisions from I Corps. The 1st is just north of Drouvile about to enter the table, so will go some way in trying to shore up the french defence. The 2nd division though has found its advance stalled as they need XII corps to advance to give them room to deploy. It's all to play for next week.


  1. Another excellent episode,Scotty, the French are doing better than expected but are they about to crumble under Teutonic pressure?!

    1. Cheers Keith, the French are hanging on. They could do with some consistent dice rolling, either 1 or 10 at the moment

  2. Nicely poised Neil for part 3, could go either way but I do think the Prussians and allies will prevail in the end. Good battle report and enjoyable read, looking forward to the conclusion.

    1. Cheers Donnie, I do think the French will crumble eventually under the pressure. It's can they survive 5 more turns

  3. Nail biting, for sure. Change in seeing FPW rather than Napoleonic Corp sized gaming.

    1. Cheers Joe, it's fun to get large collections on the table

  4. Great game Neil, it gonna be a close finish to the game, not sure who's going to win?

    1. Cheers Ray, I'm pleased it's close, means everything to play for next week
