Sunday, 2 March 2025

FPW Battle of Drouvile - The set up

So down to the club today to get the table set up and troops deployed in readiness for the game starting on Thursday night. After the last battle, the French have fallen back to protect the roads to Nancy. They have taken up position along a low ridge between Drouvile and Valhey. XII Corps has been strengthened by the arrival of the 1st Division as well as a cavalry division from VI Corps. There are also reports that elements of the French I Corps are marching to support the position.

The Prussians meanwhile have advanced on a broad front and have entered the table between the towns of Crevic and Einville-au-Jard. The Bavarian I Corps is positioned eastwards from Crevic towards Maixe. Next is the 2 divisions from Prussian VI Corps. To the east of them is the Wurtemburg Division and the newly arrived Baden division of XIV Corps. A Prussian cavalry takes up position at the end of the line. There is a second Prussian cavalry division positioned off table behind the Bavarians.

The table 12ft x 4ft

Bavarian I Corps

Prussian VI Corps

XIV Corps, Wurtemburg Division

XIV Corps, Baden Division and Prussian Cavalry Division

French III Corps

French III Corps

French XII Corps

French XII Corps cavalry

Looking forward to the game now.


  1. Wow, that first image of the 12 foot long table is pretty impressive Scotty! There are a fair few figures deployed....

    1. Cheers Keith, took me over an hour to get it all set up. Saves valuable gaming time on Thursday

  2. That table looks brilliant. I don't fancy the French's chances with their lack of favourable terrain. I can't wait for your game report.

    1. Cheers Richard. It's going to be a hard fight for the French

  3. Great looking set up Neil, should be interesting to see what the French do in this game, looking forward to seeing the battle report.

    1. Cheers Donnie, the French will need a bit of luck and I Corps to arrive
