Saturday 13 April 2024

DAK Transport

In the Desert war mobility is the  key. So my infantry will need plenty of transports to keep up with the Panzers. 

So the first batch is 5 Opel Blitz trucks, will need some more of these. The 2 on the left were printed by Mitch, the other 3 are from Paint and Glue.

Next up is 3 Hanomags. 2 of these had a miscast front wheel and the models were not as well defined. Mitch was going to throw them away. I persuaded him not to, used a bit of modelling pitty to create a dodgy wheel. They'll be fine on the tabletop.

Lastly is a couple of Kubelwagons and Steyr heavy cars. These were printed by Mitch with the exception of the Kubelwagon in the centre which is from Paint and Glue.

And here they are all together. Will definitely need some more as well as plenty of tractors for pulling the AT guns.

I'm getting down to the last few models and figures to complete before needing more. Shame I've run out of undercoat to get the last 3 Panzer IIIs done.