Saturday 10 February 2024

Project is a go

As I've been putting the finishing touches to the last 5 mounted commanders for Simon (just some highlights to do), it was time to kick start the Marston Moor project. I decided to prep 2 sprues of Covenanter infantry ready for painting. I'll be able to crack on with these over the next week or so. Also for a bit of inspiration I'm putting on an ECW game at the club on Thursday. This normally helps me focus on the figures needed. In the meantime I painted up the last of the building I'll need for the game. Just 3 more I picked up from Pendraken miniatures.

Definitely not my best work, but the'll be fine mixed in with the rest of the collection. I'm pretty sure this brings me up to 16 buildings.


  1. I like the buildings. Good to see a return to YOUR ECW project having finished up Simon’s armies.

    1. Cheers Jonathan, much better painting my own figures

  2. Lovely terrain - impressive in that scale too.

  3. Nice work. More is better than less.

  4. The buildings look pretty good to me, Scotty - looking forward to seeing the Covenanters rolling off the painting production line!

    1. Cheers Keith. I'm looking forward to getting them done
