Sunday 11 February 2024

Game Preparation

So after finishing Simon's figures it was time to get a game in to help get the creative juices going for the last push on my Marston Moor project. So off to the club I went with figures and terrain to prepare the layout for Thursday. 

The game will revolve around a Royalist force holding the highground beyond the stream against a slightly larger Parlaimentarian force. Mitch will also be bringing along his figures to round out 2 of the Parlaimentarian commands. This will give each side 7 commands.

Oliver Cromwell awaiting Mitch's troops

Sir Thomas Fairfax

Prince Rupert

Marquis of Newcastle

Both sides will be equal in horse regiments (my dragoons are standing in as Raw horse regiments). Parliament will have a superiority in both artillery and infantry. Just hope enough players turn up for the game to flow. This set up actually inspired me to complete a Covenanter infantry regiment, just need to get the basing done. As well as making a start on another regiment.


  1. All packed and ready to go. I hope to see a BatRep of the action.

  2. Looking good. Can't wait to see all your units out and in action.

  3. Looking forward to see some action shots of the game Neil!

  4. That is a goodly number of troops you have assembled, Scotty - look forward to seeing them in action soon!

  5. Great work Neil and super impressive to get it to this stage looking forward to the battle pictures 👍
