Sunday, 6 June 2021

SCW Carabinieros III

With the nice weather I managed to get out and complete the last twelve Carabinieros I needed to complete the platoon. All the figures are from Empress minuatures.

First up is a command section. The flag is one I produced using images from the Internet. Not sure if the Carabinieros used a flag, but I wanted one.

Next up is a section of eight riflemen. Once again I used a spare helmeted figure for some variation.

And here is the full platoon all together, just need a new storage box as I can't get all the figures in.

I've also ordered a couple of HMGs from Blacktree. These are Russian NKVD. The idea being with their flat caps they could pass off as either Asaltos or Carabinieros with a suitable paint job. 

I also decided to add a page for my SCW collection