Sunday, 16 June 2019

More Ottomans

After focusing for a while on the mounted troops l decided to switch to the infantry to give their numbers a boost. These are both units of Azabs, 1 with muskets and the other armed for melee. The figures are mainly Roundway with a few spare Mikes Models added to make up the unit.

I also had a mooch through the unpainted pile for this project. I've enough figures for 3 more cavalry regiments, 4 units of Jannisarries and 2 more Azabs. After that I'll need to make some purchases for some artillery and an Army General.

Overall quite pleased with how this army is turning out. Just need to get a game with it. Mick has offered to fight it with his Russians later in the year to try out some new rule adaptations.

Now just because I fancied, here is the cavalry so far. A good mix of heavies and lights.