Sunday 16 June 2024

Not totally idle

I hadn't realised it has been more than 2 weeks since I posted anything. I must admit wargaming has taken a bit of a back seat at the moment. I think I just needed a bit of a break, so giving the club a miss to try and re-charge. Since I started a new job in December I often found myself rushing to try and get to the club, not good after a 12 hour day. I also found I was the one organising the games and then taking on the role of the umpire. So apart from some mass participation games such as Gladiators and What a Tanker, I'd only actually played 5 games in 6 months run by others. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy running games, but it would be nice if I could actually use my own figures in a game or play a game where someone else has organised a scenario, the forces and set the table up.

Back to the hobby in general, I did manage a little painting. The first being another 3 casualty markers for the Marston Moor game.

The figures are from Peter Pig and the dice frames from Pendraken. The other painting I did was another regiment of ECW for Simon. He had sent a box of 10 regiments for me to paint. A bit of a surprise as I wasn't expecting any.

I chose red coats as they are quite common for the period. Like the last batch, Simon is adding the flags and bases.


  1. That's the trouble with painting both sides of an army. You rarely get to play with them yourself. Hopefully some of the guys at your club read this and put a few games on for you? Nice figures though Neil.

  2. I am probably on the opposite boat, apart from my solo games at home, I very rarely organise a scenario for our Sunday group, but I can certainly understand why you might get a bit over being the non playing umpire 90% of the time. As Ray says, hopefully things change at your club.
    The latest ECW figures look good.

    1. Cheers Keith. Hope they do change. Got a bit fed up with everyone looking at me at the end of the night and asking me what they were playing next week. Need a break from it.
