Wednesday 19 June 2024

Plugging away

Just a couple of figuresI managed to get finished this week. These are two more Gladiators, a Retarius and a slave. Both are from the EM4 miniatures range. Nice figures and can be bought as singles. That's a bonus as I only want one or two more specific Gladiators to finish the collection.

I went with lighter bases this time and prefer it. I felt the dark edging didn't match. So ended up doing the rest of theGladiators as well.

So what is left? I have a Murmillo, 3d printed by Mitch, 3 Secutors, a Scissor and two Hoplimachi to finish. I also picked up one of the Gangs of Rome sprues from Wargames Atlantic. Should give me enough parts for a Velire and a Sagittarius. The left over figures will be handy as extra slaves.


  1. Nice work again scotty and I think you are right about the lighter bases! I look forward to seeing your next visit to the Colosseum - I guess the rules have a similar vibe to western gunfights or 3 musketeer type games?

    1. Cheers Keith, the rules are similar to Fistful of lead. I like the idea of no movement distances. Just a simple engage or disengage. Each Gladiator type has abilities to represent how they fought. Good fun and quick play.

    2. Interesting that figures are either engaged or disengaged. Is that how Fistful of a Lead works too?

    3. Fistful of lead works differently with movement rates etc. Arena of Blood is very much individual combat. You draw cards, highest goes first. If you attack you move in a straight line to your opponent. If you don't attack you incur disfavour from the crowd

  2. Some excellent brushwork Neil.
