Sunday, 21 February 2016

AWI 3rd Maryland Continentals

Work has continued on my AWI project with the second regiment of Continentals completed, this time the 3rd Maryland. This time I mixed in a few of the Perry metal continental figures in shirts. The flag like the last is from Maverick Models.

3rd Maryland 
3rd Maryland 
Apart from the infantry I have also started work on some mounted brigade commanders. I've realised I picked up a pack of British Generals in error. Not to be daunted I used the one in formal dress and painted him up to lead my Maryland brigade. The two will be put aside for when I paint up some loyalists.

So here they all are , the brigade so far. I am currently painting up the 2nd South Carolina regiment to go with them.

Maryland brigade
On the march
Well not bad for about a weeks work. Just 4 more regiments to go. I will need to add an Artillery piece, some more militia and possibly a unit of dragoons.