Sunday, 1 December 2024

Support vehicles

In preparation for the clubs game next year at Border Reiver, we need a Lance of Mechs supported by some infantry, APC's and tanks. Now I already have the mechs and the infantry and had made a start on some of the tanks. Well I finally got around painting them, slightly delayed as I was ordered to do some painting of a different kind, 3 days I'm not getting back.

So here they are, all 3d prints. The tanks are from EBay and I believe they could be 40k related but don't quote me on it. All painted up to match the colour scheme of my mechs for Darc's Dragoons.

These next 2 vehicles were supplied by Mitch,1 is an additional APC and the other a AA support vehicle.

So just 1 more APC to complete to finish the force and I'll also be able to retire the old epic scale rhino's I've been using.

Now plans are underway for a new side project as I've decided trying to paint a Roman army with the dark nights is not really an option and would be best left to spring. This project will only need 20 or so figures to paint up and I can take my time as I will only really have weekends available to get any painting done.


  1. Excellent work on these once again Scotty.
    Painting a Roman army eh, that sounds intriguing....looking forward to seeing that progress in 2025!

    1. Cheers Keith, yes Romans in 2025, already got a few prepped ready for painting

  2. Nice looking vehicles Neil. Look forward to seeing your Romans once you get started.

    1. Cheers Richard, hopefully early spring I'll make a start on the Romans
