Monday, 16 December 2024

More Burrows and Badgers

These were the last of the figures that I had for this project, so I had to order a few more. I love the poses on the two larger models, the bobcat and the otter. The others help fill out some options for selecting a warband.

The Group

Bobcat and Otter

Shrew heroine and Sparrow warrior

Mouse ganger and witch hunter

I also dug out another 4 Skaven figures to use as Black rats, they just needed a little touching up and re-basing. Along with these I re-purposed some old ruined pieces I had from the days I played Frostgrave. They had seen better days, but a bit freshened up and flock and tufts added and they will be perfect for fighting over.

Extra Black rats

All Rats together

Hopefully my next batch arrives and I can get them all done ready for the New year and can plan to get some games in.