Sunday, 8 December 2024

More animal antics

So after completing the first batch of figures I got straight to work on a few more. These six will add even more variety as I begin to plan a warband for their first game. This time I added a hare, another ferret, a mole, a mouse, jackdaw and a sparrow.

I'm really enjoying painting these. I think I was in need of painting something a little different. I also managed a quick read through of the rules and they do seem straightforward enough. Hoping to get a game in just after Christmas. I even had a dig around some old Mordheim Skaven figures from an old plastic boxed set. As these were designed as adventurers they fit in as Black rats, saving me having to buy any of the official models.

All they needed was a little re-basing and some of the fur changed to black. I have even located another four which would bring them up to the maximum number of 10 for a warband. Just need to get them re-based.


  1. A change is a great way to break the monotony and re-invigorate painting mojo. Nice work!

    1. Cheers Jonathan, they've been refreshing to paint up. Get me ready for the Romans in 2025

  2. Lovely project! Beautiful painting work.

  3. A change is as good as a rest. Nicely done Neil.

  4. To be fair, they are no weirder than your Quar project! Very nicely painted too.

    1. Cheers Keith. Perfect for small skirmish games
