Sunday 23 June 2024

More Gladiators

Another three Gladiators to add to my Ludus as I try and cover most of the different Gladiator types. All three models are from Crusader miniatures. They represent the Scissor, Thraex (Thracian) and a Hoplomachi.




I just have another 6 models to paint as well as a plastic sprue to create a couple of the
Lighter Gladiator types.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Plugging away

Just a couple of figuresI managed to get finished this week. These are two more Gladiators, a Retarius and a slave. Both are from the EM4 miniatures range. Nice figures and can be bought as singles. That's a bonus as I only want one or two more specific Gladiators to finish the collection.

I went with lighter bases this time and prefer it. I felt the dark edging didn't match. So ended up doing the rest of theGladiators as well.

So what is left? I have a Murmillo, 3d printed by Mitch, 3 Secutors, a Scissor and two Hoplimachi to finish. I also picked up one of the Gangs of Rome sprues from Wargames Atlantic. Should give me enough parts for a Velire and a Sagittarius. The left over figures will be handy as extra slaves.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Not totally idle

I hadn't realised it has been more than 2 weeks since I posted anything. I must admit wargaming has taken a bit of a back seat at the moment. I think I just needed a bit of a break, so giving the club a miss to try and re-charge. Since I started a new job in December I often found myself rushing to try and get to the club, not good after a 12 hour day. I also found I was the one organising the games and then taking on the role of the umpire. So apart from some mass participation games such as Gladiators and What a Tanker, I'd only actually played 5 games in 6 months run by others. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy running games, but it would be nice if I could actually use my own figures in a game or play a game where someone else has organised a scenario, the forces and set the table up.

Back to the hobby in general, I did manage a little painting. The first being another 3 casualty markers for the Marston Moor game.

The figures are from Peter Pig and the dice frames from Pendraken. The other painting I did was another regiment of ECW for Simon. He had sent a box of 10 regiments for me to paint. A bit of a surprise as I wasn't expecting any.

I chose red coats as they are quite common for the period. Like the last batch, Simon is adding the flags and bases.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Another Gladiator and extras

Continuing with the Gladiator theme, I put some paint on another model. This is a female Murmillo gladiator that I picked up from Colonel bills. Nice and easy to paint up.

I'm now waiting on an order from Crusader Miniatures, a couple of packs covering Thracians, Hoplomachus, Secutors and a Scissor. I also added a lion from the Northstar range to the order. I also ordered a couple of gladiators from EM4, a Retarius and a slave for extra variety.

Now apart from gladiators you also need a few wild animals for the games, hence adding a lion to the order. It was after this that I remembered I had a few old lion models from Irregular miniatures, I think. I dug them out and also found a foundry bear. So the bear and a lioness completed. I also have 2 male lions just needing their bases finished. They do look a little on the small size and a bit rough, but why waste a model.

Now for actual games I decided to make a small board. You don't need a lot of space for the Arena of blood rules as there isn't much movement. So I decided to use a cake stand as a base, it has a diameter of 12 inches, so perfect. I covered it with a piece of old flocked sheet. As it was green I gave it a spray of chocolate brown, I then dry-brushed successive layers of terracotta, dull yellow and then pale sand.

basic cake stand

Covered in flocked sheet

After dry-brushing

Collection so far

In future I may add a base to the arena and build a fence to surround it for a provincial gladiator arena. I could even add a cage for the animals as I know Sarissa produces one.