Sunday, 5 March 2023

More Achaens and a bit of a review

Well I seemed to have had a productive few days on the painting front with a number of new units for the Achaens. First up is 3 units of light spearmen / javelinmen. Nice and easy to paint up as lots of flesh. I also added 2 Heroes from the range Odysseus and Greater Aias or Ajax. These 2 are very nice sculpts and were a joy to paint up.

I also managed to get another unit of heavy spearmen done along with a few more slingers, but those guys are still needing their bases completed. Should hopefully be done by tomorrow. It was also a chance to have a look at the completed figures done for both sides. I must be about 60-70% of my way through the current lead pile for this project.

I have also had some new thoughts about basing the heroes, especially someone like Priam, so have picked up a few extra packs to add some command figures to his base. The spare officers can then be used as additional minor heroes. There are plenty of them in the Iliad to be slain by the major champions.


  1. Nice troops and excellent progress on tjhe project overall!

  2. You are certainly piling through this project at a rate of knots, already have quite respectable sized forces table-ready.

    1. Cheers Keith, must admit I find 15mm easy to paint so helps maintain my focus

  3. Quite a force developing and quickly too 👍

  4. Great troops. You must some sort of painting machine... I envy your rate of production.

    1. Cheers Richard, always find batch painting helps speed up the process
